Video Testimonial – Jasmine

As a first-time property investor and landlord, Jasmine wanted to make sure that her property was in good hands. At the suggestion of her broker, she got in touch with Copo to discuss what the trusted property management company could do for her. In the times of lockdowns and disruptions by Covid, Copo supported her in finding tenants, contractors and performing much-needed repairs that otherwise would have proven to be challenging.

In this video testimonial, Jasmine talks about:

  • Why she chose Copo,
  • How her experience has been so far, and
  • What she would recommend to new investors.

“They are reliable, friendly, and you will have a good business partnership!” says Jasmine about working with the Copo team.

Wondering why chose Copo as your property manager? Click here to watch and listen to what Jasmine has to say about her experience working with the company!


If you would like a partner in your investment, get in touch with the friendly team at Copo! We will support you in your rental property journey and take the hassle off your hands.